Our Caller Mike Salerno has lost his most beloved and biggest fan this week. All of our thoughts and prayers are with Mike at the loss of his *Sweet Mother*. Although some of us have never met her, we feel like we know her from all the stories he has shared. From the Docey Dandies Family
Plus lessons are on!
The Docey Dandies will have plus lessons starting Monday February 8, 2016. All first time plus students will require a $30.00 fee to cover expenses, to be paid the first night of lessons. For all other plus dancers there will be a $2.00 per person donation bucket. We also will have several couples, we call “super angels”, that will be available to help fill out the squares to make sure if you paid you will dance! Here is the schedule for plus lessons: Feb. 8, 15, 24, 29 March 9, 14, 21. We have to alternate Monday & Wednesday nights due the availability of the building. The lessons will be at our normal location, Grange Hall 7:00 - 9:00PM. It is important that you attend all 7 lessons if possible as you will be learning a lot in a short time! Any questions, contact Daryl or Leslie. Thank you, Daryl & Leslie Arndt Tonight's Lessons Are Cancelled due to poor road conditions.
See everyone at the dance on Saturday! Mike (our caller) has to deal with a family emergency concerning his mother (she is gravely ill) and will be unable to call our Saturday dance. Therefore, we have asked Chris Wildhagen (caller for the St. Joe Squares) to come and guest call for us. This Saturday's theme is Glow Worm (think black lights and glow sticks!). Besides Mike, Chris is probably the only caller who could do this theme justice. Some of you may remember Chris guest called for us last year for the Crazy Hat dance. Should be a fun time!.
Hello Docey Dandies, The Nomination Committee for 2016-2017 consists of Bill and Viola Patterson. We will be trying to contact every member of the club to see what office or committee you may want to serve on. New dancers of less than one year cannot be elected to an office but may be appointed to a committee. The following is a list of officers and committees.
Elected Officers: EXECUTIVE BOARD: President Vice President Secretary Treasure Advisory Board: Federation Delegate Alternate Federation Delegate KSDA Delegate Alternate KSDA Delegate Fit and Fun Delegate Alternate Fit and Fun Delegate Appointed by the President Postions: Arrangement Chair Fair Dance Chair Audit Chair Membership Chair New Years Eve Chair Nominating Chair Travel Chair Sunshine Chair Historian Chair Publicity Chair Float Dance Chair Special Events Chair As you can see there is a lot of ways to Support the Docey Dandies. Please Help us FILL these Positions. Give us a call or contact us via email. (phone number and email included in email to the club). Hoping to dance with you in a square real soon, Viola The Fit & Fun Greenhorn Dance is this Sunday January 17th at the Holmeswood Baptist Church, 9700 Holmes Road, Kansas City, MO. from 2:30 – 5:00PM. This is a great dance for new dancers!
ALL recent graduates/students since January 2015 are admitted FREE and will receive a coupon book good for free dances at other area Fit & Fun clubs dances. There is also a chance for you to win a prize at a future dance! (you must attend this dance to receive the coupon book.) Experienced dancers are very welcome for a $4.00 donation. There will be a gently-used square dance clothing give away for the new graduates/students and donation for experienced dancers. We have at least 3 callers for this dance and other fun activities planned. The Docey Dandies are sponsoring this dance and our club responsibilities are basically just like our regular dance host. We will meet at the church at 1:30PM to set up food tables, registration tables, chairs, water, coffee and greet guests as they arrive. During the dance we will keep the coffee, water and food filled and orderly. Everyone is asked to please bring finger food for this dance. After the dance we will take tables & chairs down, clean up food and drink areas, and pick up the gym area. The Fit & Fun officers and delegates will be helping us and guide us if we have questions. I will set up carpools if there is interest from Gardner Price Chopper and Olathe Westlake Ace Hardware. If interested in carpooling, let me know by Saturday evening and I will set you up! Call or text me, or reply to this email. We hope to see everyone at 1:30 to help set up and then dance and have fun! Thank you, Daryl & Leslie Arndt Greenhorn Coordinators ROSTER
Our secretary, Deb, has put together a roster for the club. It is attached to this email. Please respect the Docey Dandies member information and use it only for club communications. Donna is putting the roster in a slightly different format and will be sending that form out shortly. Please look the information over and provide me with any updates/corrections that we need to make. Thanks! PLUS LESSONS Our club voted to have Plus lessons this winter. I am exploring options for which day we will have the lessons. Daryl and Leslie Arndt will be coordinating the Plus lesson effort. The lessons will start at the beginning of February. CLOTHSLINE SALE The clothesline sale was a big success. I believe about $325 was raised for the club. And everyone at the dance found something that they liked. BEGINNER DANCES This weekend there will be two beginner dances that they club will attend. The first will be Friday night at the Frontier Twillers in Oswatomie, KS. The second will be the Greenhorn dance Sunday afternoon that the club is sponsoring. I encourage all of our new dancers to attend at least one of the dances. Our travel chairs, Daryl and Leslie Arndt, will be sending out more information about carpooling opportunities to the dances. Doug Don't forget that we will have our used clothing sale set up for tomorrow night's dance! This sale includes large numbers of newly donated items. We will be open at 5:30 in case anyone wants to come before the dance.
I especially encourage new members to take advantage of this opportunity to get some gently used square dance clothing. Members are also encouraged to being clothes to donate. We really need Men's clothes. Bring cash or check! Sandy The Winter Dance is this Saturday from 7:30 to 10:00 pm. I am looking forward to kicking up my heels and having some fun dancing with the club!
We will be having Plus tips/workshop before the dance from 7:00 to 7:30. We had our first Winter 2016 Mainstream lesson Tuesday. Stan and Beth did great as the instructors! We had 8 new students and 12 Fall students helping to fill squares as Angels. We expect the class to grow to 12 next week. The size of the class is such the lessons will be in the main hall and not the kitchen. If you know anyone who might want to try square dancing there is still time to encourage them to try it out. After the dance we will be having a 30 minute club meeting to discuss whether or not to have Plus lessons. Right now we have 12 people signing up for Plus lessons. Because the Mainstream lessons are going to be at least 3 squares in size we cannot use the main hall for Plus lessons. Mike has made himself available to teach the Plus lessons on Monday or Wednesday. As a club we have to decide a) whether to have the Plus lessons, b) which night to have the lessons, and 3) the fee structure for the lessons. Daryl and Leslie will present a proposal to the club for discussion. See you Saturday! Doug and Sandy |
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