1. Presient's Corner
a) Election Results
2. Docey Dandies Travels:.
b) HOA Festival
3. Lessons
4. Travel Dances
5. Upcoming Club Dance - April 8,2017
6. Community Service/ Social Event - Earth Day Saturday, April 22nd
a) Election Results
2. Docey Dandies Travels:.
b) HOA Festival
3. Lessons
4. Travel Dances
5. Upcoming Club Dance - April 8,2017
6. Community Service/ Social Event - Earth Day Saturday, April 22nd
- President’s Corner – Daryl & Leslie
- a) Election Results
Your new Club Officers are:
President: Daryl & Leslie Arndt
Vice President: Rob & Mary Jochem
Treasurer: Ken Davis & Suzanne Arseth
Membership Secretary: Curt & Kim Bierbaum
Recording Secretary: Tom & Susan Bender
HOA Rep: Tim Gramling
HOA Alt. Rep: Steve Wildman
KSDA Rep: Mike & Rachael Denning
KSDA Alt. Rep: Rob & Mary Jochem
Doug & Sandy have assumed the Past President position and handed the Presidential duties to Daryl & Leslie. All new officers are now to take their offices. Thank you to Doug & Sandy for their service as Presidents the past two years, we have big shoes to follow in.
2. Docey Dandies Travels: Docey Dandies represented well this past weekend! We had 19 at the Pre-Nationals Dance Saturday and 21 at the Tenderfoot dance we hosted in Topeka. We would like to thank everyone that helped at the Tenderfoot Dance and brought food.
b) HOA Festival
The next big weekend is this Friday 7:00-10:00pm & Saturday 1:00-10:00pm at the HOA Federation Festival. Cost for both days is $25.00, Friday only $10.00 and Saturday only $17.00 at the door. Location is the Osage Trail Middle School, 2101 N Twyman Rd, (NE corner of 24 Hwy & & Hwy), Independence, MO. The caller is Hunter Keller and you don’t want to miss this great caller.
3. Lessons Beth & Stan are doing a great job teaching our students who are learning quickly! Our next potluck dinner/dance is Tuesday, April 4th; with dinner at 6:30 and the dance at 7:00pm. Mike Salerno will be calling the lesson dance. Bring your favorite dish and support our new students by dancing with them.
4. TRAVELDANCES – Doug & Sandy
Saturday, April 1, 2017, Jacks 'N' Queens, Caller: Ron Swartz, Mainstream/Quarterly Selection/Plus tips, 7:00 - 9:30 PM, Little Blue Barn, 8245 Noland Road, Kansas City (Grandview)), Missouri RETURN VISIT
Friday, March 31, 2017, Shawnee Swingers, Special Dance, Caller: Jim Hayes, Cuer: Lalla & Curly Steenbock, Mainstream/Rounds/Plus Tip, 7:30 PM, Croco Hall, 6115 SE US Highway 40, Tecumseh (Topeka), Kansas, No Passes Or Banners RETRIEVE BANNER
Friday, April 7, 2017, Wheatheart Squares, Caller: Larry Crady, Rounds: Lalla Steenbock, Mainstream, 7:30 - 10:00 PM, Croco Hall, 6115 SE US Highway 40, Tecumseh (Topeka), Kansas, Eggscuse For Dancing Dance RETURN VISIT
5. Upcoming Club Dance - April 8,2017 - SUNSHINE DANCE – Hosted by Meg & Jim Huber
6. Community Service/ Social Event
Come celebrate Earth Day with us! Saturday, April 22nd at Winwood Park, 520 N White Drive, Gardner, KS at 8:45 am for brunch, watch for Rob's kitchen on wheels along tree line edge. Pancakes and sausage prepared by Rob & Mary, bring a folding chair. At 10:45am Cleanup Event, wear work clothes, bring gloves and either old sneakers or boots nn.At 12p free lunch in the park provided by the parks and Rec. Watch a tree planting demonstration and take part in a drawing for free trees and other prizes. RSVP to Leslie by April 8th
Dance Themes It’s that time of the year again, submit your ideas for dance themes for the next dance year. We would like you to host the dance if your them is accepted. We will have a theme sign-up sheet at the next two lessons and the April 8th dance or you can email us! Theme suggestion cut off is April 8th after the end of the dance.