1) Election meeting March 2nd
2) Still looking for a Recording Secretary (responsible for recording the meeting minutes)
3) HOA delegate position also does not have a candidate at this time
4) Do we want to have a Live Band Dance?
1) Election meeting March 2nd
2) Still looking for a Recording Secretary (responsible for recording the meeting minutes)
3) HOA delegate position also does not have a candidate at this time
4) Do we want to have a Live Band Dance?
1) Election meeting March 2nd
2) Still looking for a Recording Secretary (responsible for recording the meeting minutes)
3) HOA delegate position also does not have a candidate at this time
4) Do we want to have a Live Band Dance?
“Many hands make for light work” is one of my favorite Boy Scout sayings. I encourage everyone in the club to continue volunteering to help in the running of the dances and the club. Because we have had a lot of people helping out with the club, it has been a great year for having fun without working too hard. Please continue to help out the club in the following year!
Agenda for 3-2-17 Club Meeting
Thursday March 2nd appears to be the best date for the election’s meeting. Here is the current agenda for the club meeting at the Grange. Pizza will be provided starting at 6 pm and the meeting will start at 6:30. We will plan to be done by 9.
1. Approval of 12-10-16 Meeting minutes – Kim
2. Treasurers report – Ken/Suzann
3. Committee reports
1. Publicity - Diane/Marvin
2. Arrangements - Shirley
3. Travel - Doug/Sandy
4. Membership - Daryl/Leslie
5. Historian - Rob
4. Elections – Viola/Bill
5. Live Band dance? – Leslie/Daryl
We need to have our election meeting before the March 11th dance.
Section 3 - The Nominating Committee shall present the Executive Board and Delegate nominees to the club for election on or before the last regular dance in March. Additional nominations may be accepted from the floor. The slate for the Executive Board shall be voted on first and then the slate for the Delegate positions.
Elected positions:
See by-laws for position details.
Live Band Dance Request
Right now the only other item on the agenda is Daryl and Leslie’s request to see if the club wants to do the Live Band dance at the end of October 2017. There has been some interest expressed by members of the club to do it again. Ken has indicated he has a couple of band possibilities. However, Daryl and Leslie will not be able to lead the effort. So first we will have a vote to see if there is enough interest by the club to do another Live Band dance, and, given a positive vote is there someone willing to lead it. We need a positive vote and someone to lead it to go forward.
1) Election meeting March 2nd
2) Still looking for a Recording Secretary (responsible for recording the meeting minutes)
3) HOA delegate position also does not have a candidate at this time
4) Do we want to have a Live Band Dance?
“Many hands make for light work” is one of my favorite Boy Scout sayings. I encourage everyone in the club to continue volunteering to help in the running of the dances and the club. Because we have had a lot of people helping out with the club, it has been a great year for having fun without working too hard. Please continue to help out the club in the following year!
Agenda for 3-2-17 Club Meeting
Thursday March 2nd appears to be the best date for the election’s meeting. Here is the current agenda for the club meeting at the Grange. Pizza will be provided starting at 6 pm and the meeting will start at 6:30. We will plan to be done by 9.
1. Approval of 12-10-16 Meeting minutes – Kim
2. Treasurers report – Ken/Suzann
3. Committee reports
1. Publicity - Diane/Marvin
2. Arrangements - Shirley
3. Travel - Doug/Sandy
4. Membership - Daryl/Leslie
5. Historian - Rob
4. Elections – Viola/Bill
5. Live Band dance? – Leslie/Daryl
We need to have our election meeting before the March 11th dance.
Section 3 - The Nominating Committee shall present the Executive Board and Delegate nominees to the club for election on or before the last regular dance in March. Additional nominations may be accepted from the floor. The slate for the Executive Board shall be voted on first and then the slate for the Delegate positions.
Elected positions:
See by-laws for position details.
Live Band Dance Request
Right now the only other item on the agenda is Daryl and Leslie’s request to see if the club wants to do the Live Band dance at the end of October 2017. There has been some interest expressed by members of the club to do it again. Ken has indicated he has a couple of band possibilities. However, Daryl and Leslie will not be able to lead the effort. So first we will have a vote to see if there is enough interest by the club to do another Live Band dance, and, given a positive vote is there someone willing to lead it. We need a positive vote and someone to lead it to go forward.