A few people have expressed interest in staying all together in the same motel for Nationals in Des Moines, Iowa next June. So I am coordinating to find a hotel where we can block out so many rooms. This is something that needs to get booked before too long. I am finding some motels are already booked full.When I book a block of rooms, we are not committed to taking all of them and do not have to pay at this time. We can cancel anytime up to two weeks ahead of the convention. If you think you might be going and want to stay in the same motel, then please let me know and I can get some prices for us. What I am finding out, is that we can get a better price if we have at least 10 or more rooms blocked out. Once I have an idea of how many might be interested in this, then I can get the prices back to you.I am open to suggestions or any input you may have.
Thanks, Arlene
Thanks, Arlene